
Showing posts from April, 2024

Back after a while..

It's been years since I last posted something here, and today I felt like starting again. A few days ago, I lost a grandparent, and I don't recall much from my childhood experiences with her, but almost a month ago, I had visited her, and she recalled some of those memories. She talked about how she held me as a child and took care of me at times. Seeing her lie on the funeral pyre, I couldn't help but think of my own mortality. It may have been selfish on my part, but what can one do at a funeral except let the sadness pour over? There are a lot of things I had set out to accomplish. I'm 28 now, and many might feel that that's no cause for alarm, but as I have aged, there were a few things along the road that I really wanted to accomplish. I wanted to start a business and have a way to at least financially help my family along. I only have 3000 in my bank account, and that's in Nepali rupees. It's not that I didn't earn a good salary at times, but work