I’ve always wondered if mere wanting is enough justification to get something? Or should there be an effort to achieve something of value? This thought I find in many stories, stories of sacrifices in order to achieve something. The greater your sacrifice the greater your achievement or so they say. In real life, however, their degree or equality varies, some sacrifices are too great and some achievements too little. There is a slum near my house and I can hear fighting and fussing constantly. It’s not always clear what the fighting is about but at times it becomes clear as day even during the dark hours. They quarrel for things that I have taken for granted; things like constant running water, electricity, or food that’s not on the table every night.  I then have whole nights to wonder what it is that I have done to be where I am and what have they done to be where they are? Mere luck comes to mind or some may even point to karma. With this also comes a deep sense of gratitude for my state of affairs and a reminder of how petty my nuances are when compared to someone less fortunate. Sometimes when I’m feeling particularly pessimistic, I realize that the game of life (at least material life) is rigged and although we may all begin from our starting lines, those lines in themselves are placed differently for all of us. These thoughts at times bring deep sorrow to me and at times immense gratitude, but always they lead to curiosity for this state of life. 


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