Before Sun Rises

Before Sun Rises
by Aetherek

As a weary traveler has to start,
the journey before sun rays.
I have risen up now to get going,
moving while everyone lays.
I’ve woken up within the night,
to prepare ahead for the days

Instead this reminds me not of traveling,
But of a child waking up with an odd old feeling.
That the day has got more a chance to live,
If I could somehow, someway offer more to give.
For the hours that stay always ahead of me,
Not for the forgotten past but the future to see.

Having been up long before the birds sing,
I can feel the isolation of always a mass being.
To reap fruits however I must be the one,
With this hour who chooses to outrun none.
This state of I should be self contained,
Waking up early one may sometimes think
That “ I have got all my time drained”.
