Love & Compassion ( thoughts for the future after this pandemic )

Earth from ISS (NASA)

.n.- deep affection or fondness;
Compassion.n. - sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

Love and Compassion are the pillars of world peace”, these were the words inscribed by the holy Dalai Lama and I found myself agreeing to it within my heart. The days that we’re currently living in are ones that will definitely go down in history books for future generations to learn from. In the midst of this pandemic, I find myself with billion others that are staying inside their homes as millions risk their lives in order to protect ours. I ask the reader, if that isn’t the way of love and compassion what is?

During these challenging times, I’ve seen people give up hope for the future but it is now necessary for us to think of a future that we will have an active hand to build. The pandemic has shown nations of people around the world that we do not need more nuclear weapons of mass destruction or armies that can’t be challenged by another. What we need is people coming together for the greater good. A tremendous cost has been paid and a very hard burden has been laid on our backs, today the pandemic has taken over a hundred thousand lives. This failure of our past ways must not go unchallenged or unchanged. If we fail to act and put in place the necessary instruments and infrastructure for the better future we will have given these lost lives injustice that neither they nor our future generation deserves. Currently there is time for most of us to sit and think for a change, I urge whoever is reading this to sit down for a while everyday and reflect.

Coming to the point of Love and Compassion, I know that while love invites us to sit down and talk, hatred threatens us even before entering the door. Thousands of health workers, policemen, first responders who’ve risked their lives so that we can live peacefully show us that humans are made for compassion and love.  Whenever we decide to go against these traits that make us fundamentally human we lean towards becoming less human every way. These words that I’ve written today come from love and compassion for all beings that are meant to share and cherish this wonderful world. I wrote not only for that but also as a promise that I choose love and compassion all the way. The time to act has always been now and this is me taking my first step towards helping to build a better world.
After the pandemic is over and it will be over of which I have no doubt, Climate Change is the next trouble that looms around humanity and the world as a whole. Climate change will hit harder and it will hurt more unless we act on it while there is some hope left. I have been reading into research materials and books regarding Climate Change and will soon blog my opinions on it as I form one that is factual and honest. For now I urge you to spend this time thinking and reflecting on  where we lacked focus even though we pride ourselves in being technologically advanced and more resourceful than any other period in Human history and what should be done to avoid these situations in the future.

P.s.  Feel free to share your thoughts on anything I have said.  


  1. Sharing nepali love via india hahah

    1. Lots of love from here too, mann ta timro mero Nepali ho !!


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